Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baby Blitz Welcome

Whether you’re expecting or have already welcomed you little bundle of joy - congratulations to you all!

You're in for a very special and exciting yet, at times, overwhelming, rollercoaster-ride called motherhood. And while there are lots of books out there to help you navigate this new terrain, few will tell you what lotion to rub on your belly to prevent stretch marks or how to cover up the bags under your eyes from the sleepless nights – and that’s where we at Baby Blitz come in!

As a self-proclaimed beauty junky and research addict, I spent the majority of my 9+ months of pregnancy at the computer and in stores seeking out the very best products out there for baby and me. I talked to anyone who would listen and asked all my friends for advice. Now, with a beautiful baby boy named Brayden in the center of my world, the search for the very best continues.

I look forward to sharing my findings and experiences with you and look forward to hearing what my many fellow mommies and mommies-to-be out there think, too! Remember, this is an interactive experience and I can’t wait to hear your questions, comments and thoughts…

Let the Baby Blitz begin! Got any questions, hot mamas?

Julia xo

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